We provide structural and civil engineering design services for developers, owners, and architects. Our specialties include full service and boutique hotels, luxury resorts, educational facilities, retail shopping centers, medical spaces, industrial facilities, and commercial centers.
Our design services push the envelope, and we’re leaders in environmentally responsible design. We find the perfect balance between design and budget without compromising safety, efficiency, or reliability.
Civil Engineering
New structure planning and existing project inspections.
Structural Engineering
New structure planning and existing project inspections.
Forensic Engineering
Discovering the cause of failure.
Building Observation
Commercial and residential structural observations.
DPC’s Steps to Success
Conceptual Design
Conceptual design outlines the function, systems and form of the project in collaboration with our client. We discuss the types of materials and explore any challenges that will need to be overcomed during the course of the project. This step is when schematic design documents are completed.
Collaborative Design
This all-important step is when our team works with the end client, architects, and other design professionals to coordinate our systems of design. Systems are finalized during this step and construction documents are developed so pricing can be completed by the contractor. Design development and construction documents are completed during this stage.
Value Engineering
During the Value Engineering phase, we use the architect's, client's, and general contractor's feedback to balance the general contractor's actual cost with the intent of the designed engineered systems. The goal is to provide a cost-effective and affordable solution that meets or exceeds code requirements.
Construction Administration
Construction administration takes place after the design has been completed, all drawings have been completed and approved by the local building department and construction begins. Our designers serve as an overseer of the project to ensure that it is built according to the design documents. We conduct periodic site visits to monitor progress and answer any questions. The goal is to verify that the general intention of the construction documents are being met in the field during construction. Where deficiencies are found, we coordinate with the contractors and designers to correct their work to meet the intended goals.
We provide structural and civil engineering design services for developers, owners, and architects. Our specialties include full service and boutique hotels, luxury resorts, educational facilities, retail shopping centers, medical spaces, industrial facilities, and commercial centers.
Our design services stretch the boundaries of what is possible, and we consistently strive to be a leader in the environmentally responsible green building design. Our goal is to find the perfect balance between design and budget mindfulness without compromising safety, efficiency, and reliability.
Headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. Licensed in 36 states.